Windows 95/4.00.73g

From BetaArchive Wiki

Build 73g is Chicago Preliminary Development Kit 2 release and the culmination of Milestone 5. It has several improvements from the first PDK/M4 (build 58s).


Installing from Windows 95 Boot Floppy
1. Prepare Disk with fdisk.exe, reboot, then format. C:
2. Change to the CD-ROM and enter the RETAIL directory.
3. Run setup.exe
4. Accept the default settings then continue to the file copying process. You may also customize the features to be installed.
5. When complete, reboot with the floppy still connected.
6. Run and press ALT+F+O. Browse to C:\config.sys
7. Change Files=30 and Buffers=30 to Files=90 and Buffers=90
8. Save changes (ALT+F+S) then exit (ALT+F+X)
9. Remove floppy and then boot to Windows.

Changes from Build 73f


1. Different WinBug version.