Microsoft KB Archive/136867

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HOWTO: Manage Computer Accounts Programmatically in Windows NT


The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK)


The ability to manage Windows NT computer accounts can be accomplished by using the Windows NT server manager utility. The server manager (srvmgr) can be used to create and delete various computer accounts, including the following account types:

  • Windows NT Workstation
  • Windows NT Server (non domain controller)
  • Windows NT Backup domain controller

Furthermore, Windows NT user manager for domains (usrmgr) provides the ability to manage trust relationships with domains. The management of interdomain trust accounts "permitted to trust this domain" will be addressed by this article.

The list of trusted domains can be managed programmatically with the Windows NT LSA (local security authority) API. This procedure will not be discussed in this article.

This article describes how to manage Windows NT computer accounts programmatically by using Win32 API calls from Windows NT. It is assumed that you already have an understanding of the various computer account types in Windows NT.


Considerations for Managing Computer Accounts

  • Computer account management should take place on the primary domain controller for the target domain.
  • The computer account name should be all uppercase for consistency with Windows NT account management utilities.
  • A computer account name always has a trailing dollar sign ($). Any APIs used to manage computer accounts must build the computer name such that the last character of the computer account name is a dollar sign ($). For interdomain trust, the account name is TrustingDomainName$.
  • The maximum computer name length is MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH (15). This length does not include the trailing dollar sign ($).
  • The password for a new computer account should be the lowercase representation of the computer account name, without the trailing dollar sign ($). For interdomain trust, the password can be an arbitrary value that matches the value specified on the trust side of the relationship.
  • The maximum password length is LM20_PWLEN (14). The password should be truncated to this length if the computer account name exceeds this length.
  • The password provided at computer-account-creation time is valid only until the computer account becomes active on the domain. A new password is established during trust relationship activation.
  • The user that calls the account management functions must have Administrator privilege on the target computer. In the case of existing computer accounts, the creator of the account can manage the account, regardless of administrative membership.
  • The SeMachineAccountPrivilege can be granted on the target computer to give specified users the ability to create computer accounts. This gives non-administrators the ability to create computer accounts. The caller needs to enable this privilege prior to adding the computer account.
  • The Net function calls are currently implemented as Unicode only. The caller must insure that strings passed to these functions are in Unicode form.

Machine account types are defined by the following flags:

UF_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT (Backup domain controller)

UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT (Workstation and server)
UF_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT (Interdomain trust account)

The following list of APIs can be used to manage computer accounts in the target domain:

  • NetGetDCName can be used to obtain the computer name of the primary domain controller.
  • NetUserAdd can be used for creating a new computer account.
  • NetUserDel can be used to delete an existing computer account.
  • NetUserSetInfo can be used to modify the password of an existing computer account. This is useful for resetting a computer account to a known state.
  • NetUserEnum can be used to enumerate existing computer accounts. This API can return a list of accounts based on account type through the use of the filter parameter.

Sample Code

   // works compiled ansi or unicode
   #define UNICODE
   #define _UNICODE

   #define RTN_OK 0
   #define RTN_USAGE 1
   #define RTN_ERROR 13


The following sample code adds the specified workstation computer account to the specified domain. If no domain is specified, the computer account is created on the local computer.

If the computer account creation fails with GetLastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, the sample attempts to enable the SeMachineAccountPrivilege for the caller. If the privilege is enabled successfully, the computer account add operation is re-tried.

The following import libraries are required:


   #include <windows.h>
   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <lm.h>

       LPWSTR wTargetComputer,
       LPWSTR MachineAccount,
       DWORD AccountType

   BOOL SetCurrentPrivilege(
       LPWSTR TargetComputer,  // target of privilege operation
       LPCWSTR Privilege,      // Privilege to enable/disable
       BOOL bEnablePrivilege   // to enable or disable privilege

   int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
       LPWSTR wMachineAccount;
       LPWSTR wPrimaryDC;
       LPWSTR wMachineAccountPrivilege = L"SeMachineAccountPrivilege";
       DWORD dwError;
       BOOL bSuccess;

       if (argc < 2)
           fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %ls <machineaccountname> [domain]\n",
           return RTN_USAGE;

       wMachineAccount = argv[1];

       // default will operate on local machine.  Non-NULL wPrimaryDC will
       // cause buffer to be freed
       wPrimaryDC = NULL;

       // if a domain name was specified, fetch the computer name of the
       // primary domain controller
       if (argc == 3) {

           dwError = NetGetDCName(NULL, argv[2], (LPBYTE *)&wPrimaryDC);

           if(dwError != NO_ERROR) {
               fprintf(stderr,"NetGetDCName error! (rc=%lu)\n", dwError);
               return RTN_ERROR;

           wPrimaryDC,                  // primary DC computer name
           wMachineAccount,             // computer account name
           UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT // computer account type

       if(!bSuccess && GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) {

           // try to enable the SeMachineAccountPrivilege
               wPrimaryDC, wMachineAccountPrivilege, TRUE )) {

               // enabled the privilege.  retry the add operation

               // disable the privilege
                   wPrimaryDC, wMachineAccountPrivilege, FALSE);

       // free the buffer allocated for the PDC computer name
       if(wPrimaryDC) NetApiBufferFree(wPrimaryDC);

           fprintf(stderr,"AddMachineAccount error! (rc=%lu)\n",
           return RTN_ERROR;

       return RTN_OK;

       LPWSTR wTargetComputer,
       LPWSTR MachineAccount,
       DWORD AccountType
       LPWSTR wAccount;
       LPWSTR wPassword;
       USER_INFO_1 ui;
       DWORD cbAccount;
       DWORD cbLength;
       DWORD dwError;

       // ensure a valid computer account type was passed
       // TODO SetLastError
       if (AccountType != UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT &&
           AccountType != UF_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT &&
           AccountType != UF_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT
           ) {
           return FALSE;

       // obtain number of chars in computer account name
       cbLength = cbAccount = lstrlenW(MachineAccount);

       // ensure computer name doesn't exceed maximum length
       if(cbLength > MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH) {
           return FALSE;

       // allocate storage to contain Unicode representation of
       // computer account name + trailing $ + NULL
       wAccount=(LPWSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
           (cbAccount + 1 + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)  // Account + '$' + NULL

       if(wAccount == NULL) return FALSE;

       // password is the computer account name converted to lowercase
       // you will convert the passed MachineAccount in place
       wPassword = MachineAccount;

       // copy MachineAccount to the wAccount buffer allocated while
       // converting computer account name to uppercase.
       // convert password (inplace) to lowercase
       while(cbAccount--) {
           wAccount[cbAccount] = towupper( MachineAccount[cbAccount] );
           wPassword[cbAccount] = towlower( wPassword[cbAccount] );

       // computer account names have a trailing Unicode '$'
       wAccount[cbLength] = L'$';
       wAccount[cbLength + 1] = L'\0'; // terminate the string

       // if the password is greater than the max allowed, truncate
       if(cbLength > LM20_PWLEN) wPassword[LM20_PWLEN] = L'\0';

       // initialize USER_INFO_x structure
       ZeroMemory(&ui, sizeof(ui));

       ui.usri1_name = wAccount;
       ui.usri1_password = wPassword;

       ui.usri1_flags = AccountType | UF_SCRIPT;
       ui.usri1_priv = USER_PRIV_USER;

                   wTargetComputer,    // target computer name
                   1,                  // info level
                   (LPBYTE) &ui,       // buffer

       // free allocated memory
       if(wAccount) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wAccount);

       // indicate whether it was successful
       if(dwError == NO_ERROR)
           return TRUE;
       else {
           return FALSE;

   BOOL SetCurrentPrivilege(
       LPWSTR TargetComputer,  // target of privilege operation
       LPCWSTR Privilege,      // Privilege to enable/disable
       BOOL bEnablePrivilege   // to enable or disable privilege
       HANDLE hToken;
       LUID luid;
       TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpPrevious;
       DWORD cbPrevious=sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES);
       BOOL bSuccess=FALSE;

       if(!LookupPrivilegeValueW(TargetComputer, Privilege, &luid))
               return FALSE;

               )) return FALSE;

       // first pass.  get current privilege setting
       tp.PrivilegeCount           = 1;
       tp.Privileges[0].Luid       = luid;
       tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0;


       if(GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
           // second pass.  set privilege based on previous setting
           tpPrevious.PrivilegeCount     = 1;
           tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;

           if(bEnablePrivilege) {
               tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes |=
           else {
               tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes ^=
                   (SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED &


           if (GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) bSuccess=TRUE;


       return bSuccess;

Additional query words: account server workstation trust

Keywords : kbnetwork kbKernBase kbLSA kbOSWinNT351 kbOSWinNT400 kbOSWin2000 kbSDKPlatform kbSecurity kbNetAPI kbDSupport kbCodeSam kbGrpDSKernBase
Issue type : kbhowto
Technology : kbWin32SDKSearch kbAudDeveloper kbSDKSearch kbWin32sSearch

Last Reviewed: January 7, 2000
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