Microsoft KB Archive/125419

From BetaArchive Wiki

Article ID: 125419

Article Last Modified on 1/19/2007


  • Microsoft Word 6.0 for Macintosh
  • Microsoft Word 6.0 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft Word 6.0a
  • Microsoft Word 6.0c
  • Microsoft Word 95 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft Word 97 Standard Edition
  • Microsoft Word 98 for Macintosh

This article was previously published under Q125419


When you convert a document from Microsoft Word 4.0 or 5.x for the Macintosh to Microsoft Word 6.0 and later, text that was formatted with the PostScript style seems to be missing.


When you insert a PostScript command from an AutoText entry, the entry is not visible and cannot be edited.


Word 6.0 and later converts this text to a PRINT field. If you have not selected the option to view field codes, you cannot see the PostScript text. However, Microsoft Word 6.0 and later print the PostScript code correctly.


To make the PostScript-formatted text visible, turn on field codes (in other words, do not show the field code results):

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options (in Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition click Preferences).
  2. Select the View tab.
  3. Click to select the Field Codes check box.
  4. Click OK.

All the fields in the document are now visible, including the PRINT fields that contain the PostScript code.


In Word versions 4.0 and 5.x for the Macintosh, PostScript code could be typed directly in the document and then formatted with the built-in PostScript style. The PostScript style is not available in Word 6.0. The PRINT field is used instead.

Below are instructions on how to create a PRINT field and instructions for a macro that automates this process.

Creating a PostScript PRINT Field

  1. Place the insertion point where you want the PostScript to be printed.
  2. On the Insert menu, click Field.
  3. Click to clear the Preserve Formatting During Updates check box.
  4. In the Categories list, select All.
  5. From the Field Names list, select Print.
  6. Click Options.
  7. In the Field Options dialog box, select "\p page".
  8. Click Add To Field.
  9. Move the insertion point to the end of the text in the Field Codes box.
  10. Type a space.
  11. Type two quotation marks.
  12. Click OK twice.

    You should see the following field code:

           {PRINT \p page ""}
  13. Paste the text between the quotation marks in the field.
  14. Print the document.

PostScript-to-PRINT-Field Macro

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified Partner or the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about Microsoft Certified Partners, please visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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The following macro (Microsoft Word 6.0 and 7.0 only) converts a selection into a PRINT field:

   Sub MAIN
      ViewFieldCodes 1
      If SelType() = 2 Then
       a$ = Selection$()
       InsertField .Field = "Print \p page " + Chr$(34) + a$ + Chr$(34)
       MsgBox "This is not a valid selection." + Chr$(13)  + Chr$(13) +
      select the raw PostScript code in " + Chr$(13) + "your document and
      the macro. ", 16
      End If
   End Sub

Additional query words: Style Missing PostScript code glossary entry field edit hidden text find disappears convert

Keywords: kbdisplay kbfield kbinterop kbprb kbprint KB125419