How many more years can Microsoft continue to grow?

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How many more years can Microsoft continue to grow?

Post by CrazyPeach112 »

When Windows 10 was released, Microsoft said: Windows 10 is the last individual system to be released, and only an updated version of Windows 10 will be released later. But now there's Windows 11. I'm curious about it. If Microsoft continues to develop Windows, rich version of the Windows family, Microsoft can continue to develop for a few years? :idea:

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Re: How many more years can Microsoft continue to grow?

Post by mrpijey »

You do realise that Windows is just a minor part of the Microsoft portfolio? Microsoft does so many many other things that will keep them in business for decades more.

Also your topic is misleading, the header asks how many years Microsoft can grow, but in the text you mention only Windows 10 and talk about the future of Windows, which again, is a minor part of what MS develops and sells.
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Re: How many more years can Microsoft continue to grow?

Post by Blizzardo1 »

Microsoft originally started out with Software, then over the years, they started to do hardware. With Windows 1.0, marked the future roadmap that Microsoft was paving to stay relevant in the market. There were many competitors out there trying to compete with Microsoft such as Apple and IBM, and others for that matter. Through the years, the main focus was Apple and Microsoft; Apple sunk a bit in the 90s and Microsoft finally was able to get rights to sell their products to Apple users. More into the future, Microsoft continues to grow by introducing a Console that was supposed to outdo Nintendo, but just wound up competing with other brands like Sony. Microsoft revolutionized Windows with XP, turned it to garbage with Vista, and the pattern continues. Originally started with Windows 95 being a good OS but to some people was buggy and required more reboots than original movies. Since then it's been a never-ending battle. Microsoft continues to grow and will not be hurt much if the OS is a flop, that's what we're here for. We're their lab rats.

On another note, I don't plan on daily driving Windows 11. I find it quite useless to upgrade when Windows 10 is a happy little cloud doing thy bidding. The moment I ever get forced to upgrade or when Windows 10 is out of support; whichever comes first, I'm switching back to Fedora without looking back. If I have to virtualize it just to play a game, then I will. Other than that, Microsoft doesn't deserve my sanity.

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