Windows 1.0/Development Release 1

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Revision as of 23:53, 15 August 2015 by Nedvire (talk | contribs) (Added punctuation)
Microsoft Windows for the Tandy 2000 personal computer

This is an early pre-release version of Microsoft Windows for the Tandy 2000 personal computer that shipped to testers in approximately October 1984. The next pre-release version is Microsoft Windows Developer Release 5 (DR5).

Background =

The Tandy 2000 was an Intel 80186-based computer. Since the 80186 processor was not fully compatible with the IBM PC and compatibles, this created compatibility issues dividing it from other machines of the time.

The version of Windows demonstrated here is one that was specifically designed for the Tandy 2000 personal computer, including the Intel 80186 processor and also the high resolution graphics (640x400 screen resolution at 16 colors) used by the machine itself.


The demonstration version launched from a file called DEMO.BAT and was intended to be run from a single floppy disk. This loaded a copy of Windows with several sample applications which could easily be loaded from there.

Note that whereas versions of Windows for the IBM PC and compatibles generally used the .EXE file extension for executable program files, this demonstration instead used the .MOD extension for most executable files.

The files here are as follows:

- BOXES.MOD: Boxes sample
- BOXES.RES: Resource file for Boxes sample
- CALC.MOD: Calculator application
- CALC.RES: Resource file for Calculator application
- CLIP.MOD: Clipboard
- CLIP.RES: Resource file for Clipboard
- COMMAND.COM: Microsoft MS-DOS command interpreter
- CONFIG.BIN: System configuration file
- CURSOR.MOD: Mouse cursor file
- DEMO.BAT: Used to launch the Microsoft Windows demonstration
- DISPLAY.MOD: Display driver file
- FONT.RES: Font resources
- GDI.MOD: GDI (Graphics Device Interface) system file
- GDI16.MOD: GDI (Graphics Device Interface) 16-bit system file
- GDI8.MOD: GDI (Graphics Device Interface) 8-bit system file
- KERNEL.MOD: Microsoft Windows kernel system file
- KEYBOARD.MOD: Keyboard system file
- KEYNAMES.BIN: Extra keyboard system file
- MB.EXE: Mapbase application (MS-DOS)
- MOUSE.MOD: Mouse driver file
- PUZZLE.MOD: Puzzle sample application
- PUZZLE.RES: Resource file for Puzzle sample application
- SAMPLE.MOD: Sample Application
- SAMPLE.RES: Resource file for Sample Application
- SHELL.MOD: "DOS Window" shell application
- SHELL.RES: Resource file for "DOS Window" shell application
- TEST.MOD: Test executable file
- TIMER.MOD: System timer driver file
- WINDOWS.MOD: Microsoft Windows executable file
- WINDOWS.RES: Resource file for Microsoft Windows executable file



[1] 1984-1985 Microsoft Windows Tandy 2000 advertisement