Microsoft KB Archive/24776

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Word: Pasting Justified Text into Draw Programs PSS ID Number: Q24776 Article last modified on 11-18-1993 PSS database name: APpsConV

3.00 3.01 3.02 4.00



Justification is lost when trying to convert justified text from Microsoft Word versions 3.0x and 4.00 to any drawing program, such as Claris’ MacDraw, by using the Copy As Picture command (COMMAND+OPTION+D) in Word and pasting it into the drawing program.

The Copy As Picture command creates a standard Macintosh PICT image. Object-oriented drawing programs read different pieces of text in a PICT object as different items, not as one group. This process causes the program to disregard justification.

The only way to work around this problem is as follows:

  1. Move the text into a bitmap-type drawing program, such as MacPaint or SuperPaint. Keep in mind that this procedure will convert the text to a bitmap; although it will display the same on screen, it will not print with the same high-quality appearance and cannot be edited.
  2. Once the text is in the new application, reselect the area.
  3. Copy the area into the Clipboard, and paste it into the drawing program. This procedure will cause the area to be treated as one object, therefore retaining justification.

Additional reference words: noupd grphflt geninfo

Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1993.