Microsoft KB Archive/169773

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PRB: Setup Wizard Displays "Invalid Command-Line Parameters"

Article ID: 169773

Article Last Modified on 12/10/2003


  • Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Control Creation Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Learning Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Professional Edition
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Enterprise Edition

This article was previously published under Q169773


When you install an application by using a setup program that is created with the Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Setup Wizard or Setup Toolkit, you receive the following error message:

Invalid command-line parameters. Unable to continue.


When an application's setup program is run from a network drive, the full server, share, and folder names for the setup folder are parsed. If any part of this path contains a dash (-) or a space, it is perceived by the setup program as a command-line parameter. For example, if an application is being installed from the server\share\folder location:


the dash is mistakenly perceived as a command-line parameter for the setup program when the path is parsed. In this example, -1 is not a valid command-line parameter, and the error message that is listed in the "Symptoms" section is displayed.

This message is not displayed if the application's setup program is run from the local hard disk or from floppy disks.


Run the application's setup program from a path that does not have a dash or a space in the name. If the dash appears in the server name, instead of using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, you can map the drive or use the IP address. For example:


Keywords: kberrmsg kbprb KB169773