Word: Converting Glossaries from 1.x to 3.x, or 3.x to 4.00
PSS ID Number: Q24655 Article last modified on 03-07-1997
====================================================================== 1.00 1.05 1.x 4.00 MACINTOSH kbusage
To convert an existing glossary from Microsoft Word versions 1.x format to Word versions 3.x format, do the following:
- Hold down the SHIFT key while choosing Open from the File menu in Word 3.x.
- Open the glossary created in Word 1.x (this creates a text file of the old glossary).
- Select one glossary entry in the text file.
- From the Edit menu, choose Glossary.
- Type a name for the glossary entry. Click OK. Repeat this procedure to convert more glossary entries.
Word version 4.00 glossaries have the same file format as Word 3.x glossaries, so follow these steps to use an existing glossary from Word 3.x in Word 4.00:
- In Word 4.00, choose Glossary from the Edit menu.
- From the File menu, choose Open.
- Locate and open the Word 3.x glossary file.
KBCategory: kbusage KBSubCategory: kbautotext Additional reference words: macword macword5 ====================================================================== ============================================================================= Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1997.